“Reduce Heartburn Risk With Acid Reflux”
The symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn can be treated at home easily and affordably using natural therapies.

A path to a healthy existence is a healthy stomach. But occasionally even a tiny discomfort might cause serious issues. The stomach frequently experiences acid reflux and heartburn. Gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), according to Mayo Clinic,it happens when stomach acid continually rushes back into the tube that connects your mouth and stomach (oesophagus). Your esophageal lining may become irritated by this backwash (acid reflux). Many people occasionally have acid reflux. However, chronic acid reflux might lead to GERD if it occurs frequently over time.
The symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn can be treated at home easily and affordably using natural therapies.
Here are a few all-natural treatments for heartburn and acid reflux.
1. Wait longer between dinner and bedtime: Giving the body more time to digest food after a meal increases sleep quality. Proper digestion of food is also aided by sitting up.Acid reflux can be prevented by ensuring normal food digestion.
2.Choose higher pH foods: Foods vary in their pH levels, which show how acidic they are. Low pH foods are acidic and more prone to cause reflux than those with a higher pH. Banana, fennel, almonds, and other foods with a higher pH are alkaline and can help counteract severe stomach acid.
3.Eat frequently and in small amounts. Instead of three large meals, eat five to six smaller ones. Smaller meals will make it easier to maintain your acid’s food supply. As a result, it breaks down your meals without increasing the formation of acid.
4. Add more fibre to your diet: Fibre is an important part of a balanced diet. It can help a person feel full and aid digestion, easing the symptoms of acid reflux.
5. Incorporate Ginger in your diet : Small doses of ginger may relieve gastrointestinal irritation. Ginger can reduce the likelihood of stomach acid flowing up into the esophagus. Ginger can also reduce inflammation, thereby relieving symptoms of acid reflux.